
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Battle of the For Sale Signs

Ten Ways to Sell Your Home in 2011:

The topic Ten Ways to Sell 2011  is from a recent show on Real Estate Today's radio talk show.  (When on the site you can click different segments of the show or click on *** FULL SHOW *** to listen to the whole presentation.)  The show has some good tips, suggestions, and guidelines for selling.

The first segment covers one of the most IMPORTANT topics, what should you price your house at.  If you own real estate that you're thinking of selling I would be happy to provide you with a FREE Home Evaluation which includes recent comparable homes that have sold in your area, with no obligation. Click here for a free home evaluation .
If after receiving the results you would like to sit down to further discuss putting your home on the market I would love the opportunity to earn your business.

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