
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Making An Offer

Dear Buyer,

We have been working together for awhile now and have established a professional working relationship where  I have provided you with the latest market data, shown you numerous homes and have spent many hours discussing the process of home buying to you.  Now you have found the perfect home and you are  faced with the inevitable task of making an offer!

Many times when at the "Making an offer stage", you want me to tell you what you should offer.  Please understand that while I can assist your throughout the process, I cannot and will not TELL you what to offer. 

Here are a few reasons why a licensed real estate agent should not tell a buyer the price that should be offered:
  • This is your money, not mine.  The price you can and will pay is something only you can truly determine along with your mortgage lender. 
  • I do not know what a Seller will accept.
  • The listing agent will not provide me with information about other offers in a multiple offer situation nor will I ask them for this information.  They owe confidentiality to their customer, just as I owe mine to you.
I hope this clarifies this  situation.  As your Realtor, I am happy to work with you, to guide you, and to give you all the information I can to help you make an informed and intelligent decision when it comes to making an offer on a home.  I will add value as an expert and help you make the very best choice and offer possible. Ultimately, you are the one who will live in the home and make the payment each month.

Your Realtor

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